Incremental Infill

Cost-effective solutions for infill housing in areas of transition between singles and mid-rise structures.


Townscape provides design services including wayfinding ,streetscape designs, and landscape architecture.

Brandywine Valley National Scenic Byway

Townscape is a member of a collaborative team working on design guidelines for the byway on behalf of New Castle County. Visit the County’s website for more information.

Planning for BRT

Integrating new housing at various price points in transitional zones and areas of modest infill capacity is a strategic way to incorporate a higher rate of affordable units in close proximity to new bus rapid transit stations.

Live Downtown

Townscape recently completed a housing study for Downtown Frederick Partnership in order to identify strategies for infusing new housing in the downtown. Visit the Partnership’s website.

Purple Line

On July 24, 2017, the County Council authorized the Purple Line franchise for 70 years. The project is now moving forward. Townscape is working with multiple property owners in the Purple Line corridor providing expert testimony and design services.


Renn, a key component of the East Frederick redevelopment, will include 1,050 new homes and 105,000 square feet on non-residential development in a traditional neighborhood pattern consistent with the historic framework found in downtown. As a member of the design team headed by Duany, Plater-Zyberk & Company, Townscape provided town planning, outreach, expert witness testimony, urban design and landscape design services.

Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway

Townscape, in collaboration with Gaadt Perspectives, has just completed design guidelines and a regulatory framework for the Red Clay Valley Scenic Byway, a 16 square mile area north-west of Wilmington, Delaware.

Greencourt Innovation Center

Townscape provided expert planning testimony during the controversial special exception process for this redevelopment project in the Twinbrook Metro area.Greencourt will provide a progressive workplace enviroment for companies supporting the Food and Drug Administration. Image courtesy of McInturff Architects..

Emmitsburg Square

In 2013, the Town of Emmitsburg embarked on a revitalization effort for their downtown. Townscape provided landscape, planning, wayfinding and urban design expertise on a multi-disciplinary team headed by Seth Harry and Associates.

Westview South

The residential component of Westview South is now under construction. Townscape assisted Mitchell & Best with master planning and streetscape design for this community.

Ocean View Beach Club

Ocean View Beach Club is now under construction. Townscape Design developed the master plan for this “village at the beach”. This new community is only 1.5 miles from the beach on one of the last key infill parcels in the Bethany area.

Integrated Clean Energy

Integrated clean energy technologies and community-scaled power are potential solutions to grid vulnerability. Our office responded to the Governor’s Executive Order on this issue and presented a strategic approach at the APA Regional Conference.Download Presentation

Brunswick Crossing

Brunswick, Maryland

Townscape Design assisted CORE Development in conceiving a new shopping district, community center, marketing center and entry sequence for their newest community in Brunswick, Maryland. The community has received strong market acceptance. Visit Brunswick Crossing’s website.

Recent Projects

Dowden’s Station

Clarksburg Mews LLC recently received approval for rezoning to the planned development ...

Solar Oven Partners

Townscape Design is pleased to announce that it has provided the opportunity ...


Townscape has worked with Mitchell and Best in designing their new mixed-use ...

Notable quotables

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

– Winston Churchill

The work is abundant, we require only a deference born of understanding to fulfill man’s promise. man is that uniquely conscious creature who can perceive and express. He must become the steward of the biosphere. To do this he must design with nature.

– Ian L. McHarg, Design with Nature, 1969

A study of the principles of design, whether they were conscious or unconscious, which have given our villages their beauty, their charm and their character, may well elucidate principles that will be useful in our new building.

– Thomas Sharp, The Anatomy of the Village, 1946

I believe that society must return to basic principles of urbanism, and we collectively must stop wasting resources on untested, technocratic solutions. Only then will cities continue to serve future generations as centers of culture, innovation, and discourse of humankind.

– Dhiru A. Thadani, The Language of Towns and Cities, 2010

The forms of present buildings and settlements are largely the product of an intemperate use of petrochemical energies, of synthetic materials, and industrialized mass production. Traditional towns and villages instead depend essentially on the use of natural local resources and materials, on individual manpower and skills.

– Leon Krier

Patterns (of towns and communities) can never be “designed” or “built” in one fell swoop – but patient piecemeal growth, designed in such a way that every individual act is always helping to create or generate these larger global patterns, will, slowly and surely, over the years, make a community that has these gobal patterns in it.

– Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, 1977

All sustainability is local.

– Douglas Farr

If a physical theory can’t be explained to a child, it’s probably worthless.

– Albert Einstein

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

– -UN Brundtland Commission, March 20, 1987

Lawns use more equipment,labor, fuel, and agricultural toxins than industrial farming, making lawns the largest agricultural sector in the United States.

– Richard Burdick

Our (town) planning should take its cue from the patterns of nature itself – the water table, the floodplains, the ridges, the woods, and above all, the streams.

– William Whyte, The Last Landscape

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“Perhaps the most famous volume on traditional town planning is Raymond Unwin’s 1909 classic Town Planning in Practice: An Introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and Suburbs. The title is well chosen, because Unwin clearly approached his subject from an artistic point of view, a perspective that is sadly deficient in our profession today.”